Source code for gulik

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-




    |                                         |
    |  gulik process                          |       collector processes
    |                                         |
    |  (main thread)    (monitor threads)     |
    |   Gulik----------- CPUMonitor     <-----ø-----> CPUCollector
    |     |         | `- MemoryMonitor  <-----ø-----> MemoryCollector
    |     |         |`-- NetworkMonitor <-----ø-----> NetworkCollector
    |     |         `--- …              <-----ø-----> …
    |     |                   |               |
    |     |                   |               |
    |     `-- visualizers     |  (visualizers |
    |           | `- Arc      |   access      |
    |           |`-- Plot   <´    monitors)   |
    |           `--- …                        |
    |                                         |

In ``gulik``, there is one central :class:`Gulik` object.
It manages :class:`Monitor`\s and :class:`Visualizer`\s.

Visualizers use the :func:`Monitor.normalize` and :func:`Monitor.caption`
functions to utilize the collected data.

Communication between the :class:`Monitor`\s within the gulik process and
:class:`Collector` processes is done via queues. Every monitor/collector
pair shares two queues. One "update queue" that monitors use to send update
requests to collectors and one "data queue" that collectors use to send the
next datapoint to their respective monitor.

Box model


    +-----------------------------------------------------------+   ↑
    |                                                           |   |
    |                       margin                              |   |
    |                                                           |   |
    |   +---------------------------------------------------+   |   |
    |   |                                                   |   |   
    |   |                   padding                         |   |   h
    |   |                                                   |   |   e
    |   |   +-----------------------------------+  ↑        |   |   i
    |   |   |                                   |  | inner  |   |   g
    |   |   |       inner drawing region        |  | height |   |   h
    |   |   |                                   |  |        |   |   t
    |   |   +-----------------------------------+  ↓        |   |   
    |   |                                                   |   |   |
    |   |   ←------------ inner width ----------→           |   |   |
    |   |                                                   |   |   |
    |   +---------------------------------------------------+   |   |
    |                                                           |   |
    +-----------------------------------------------------------+   ↓

    ←--------------------------- width -------------------------→

``gulik``\s box model is pretty similar to the one CSS has, with
one important distinction: margins and paddings are included in
``width`` and ``height`` in order to make layouting easier.


.. _visualizer:


Visualizers are instances of any subclass of :class:`Visualizer`.

A visualizer is assigned a :class:`Monitor` and a list of :ref:`element`\s.

:class:`Gulik` will periodically call all visualizers ``update`` methods
(see source of :func:`Visualizer.update`).

What exactly happens in the ``update`` function of a visualizer differs
between the different classes, but usually it queries the instance-assigned
monitor for the most recent data about its :ref:`element`\s by calling
:func:`Monitor.normalize` and then does some drawing on the passed
:class:`cairo.Context` to visualize the data in some manner.

Currently, there are 7 built-in visualizers:
    * :class:`Text`
    * :class:`Rect`
    * :class:`Arc`
    * :class:`Plot`
    * :class:`MirrorRect`
    * :class:`MirrorArc`
    * :class:`MirrorPlot`

You are, however, welcome to implement your own visualizers by subclassing
:class:`Visualizer` and overriding :func:`Visualizer.draw`.

.. _monitor:


Monitors are instances of any subclass of :class:`Monitor`,
which itself is a subclass of :class:`multithreading.Thread`.

Every monitor acts as one half of a monitor-:ref:`collector` pair,
each of which collects and transforms data on a specific :ref:`component`.

The monitors responsibility in this pair is to take data from the collector
and offer it in a form that is usable by :ref:`Visualizer`\s. This is mainly
done through the functions :func:`Monitor.normalize` and :func:`Monitor.caption`.

Currently, there are 6 built-in monitors:
    * :class:`CPUMonitor`
    * :class:`MemoryMonitor`
    * :class:`NetworkMonitor`
    * :class:`BatteryMonitor`
    * :class:`DiskMonitor`
    * :class:`NetdataMonitor`

.. _collector:


Collectors are instances of any subclass of :class:`Collector`,
which itself is a subclass of :class:`multiprocessing.Process`.

Every collector acts as one half of a :ref:`monitor`-collector pair.

The collectors responsibility in this pair is to collect system usage
data and send them to its associated :ref:`monitor`.

.. _component:


A string identifying a data source.

Valid values are:
    * ``'cpu'``
    * ``'memory'``
    * ``'network'``
    * ``'battery'``
    * ``'disk'``

Besides that, ``'netdata-<hostname>'`` is valid, but only if ``<hostname>``
exists in the ``NETDATA_HOSTS`` configuration option.

.. _element:


A string identifying a (sub) element of a data source.
Valid values are defined within the respective :class:`Monitor`\s.

.. _alignment:


A string in the shape of ``<x-align>_<y-align>``, where:
    * ``<x-align>`` can be any of ``left``, ``center``, ``right``
    * ``<y-align>`` can be any of ``top``, ``center``, ``bottom``

alignments are used both for text positioning relative to its respective
allowed borders as well as positioning captions within :class:`Visualizer`\s.

.. _caption-description:

caption description

A dictionary describing a caption to be rendered by a :class:`Visualizer`.

Required items:
    * ``text``: The text to be rendered

Optional items:
    * ``position``: Either an ``(x,y)`` coordinate tuple or an :ref:`alignment`
    * ``align``: An :ref:`alignment`
    * ``font_size``: A number (int or float) denoting vertical font size in pixels
    * ``font_weight``: A string. ``Normal``, ``Bold``, ``Light``, etc.
    * ``operator``: One of cairos blending operators (See :class:`cairo.Operator`)

.. _pattern:


A function taking one :class:`Color` as parameter returning a cairo surface for
use as fill. See :func:`stripe45` for an example.

.. _palette:


A function taking one :class:`Color` and one `int` parameter returning a
``list`` of :class:`Color` objects with its length being equal to the passed
`int` parameter.

.. note:: :func:`palette_hue` and :func:`palette_value` have extra parameters
    you won't be able to use without wrapping them in :func:`functools.partial`

.. _combination:


A string denoting how multiple :ref:`element`\s are displayed within a :class:`Visualizer`.

Valid values are:
    * ``separate``: separate elements visually 
    * ``cumulative``: show values cumulatively, assume data is normalized for that (i.e. all values added max out at 1.0)
    * ``cumulative_force``: like ``cumulative``, but assumes every single value can go up to 1.0


#__all__ = ['Gulik', 'Visualizer']

import os

# get version from _version file
from gulik._version import version as __version__

import sys
import math
import time
import random
import signal
import collections
import queue
import functools
import threading
import multiprocessing
import setproctitle
import psutil
import colorsys
import cairo
import gi

gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
gi.require_version('PangoCairo', '1.0') # not sure if want
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib, Pango, PangoCairo

from . import netdata

Operator = cairo.Operator

PAGESIZE = os.sysconf('SC_PAGESIZE')

## Helpers ##

[docs]class Color(object): """ Magic color class implementing and supplying on-the-fly manipulation of RGB and HSV (and alpha) attributes. """ def __init__(self, red=None, green=None, blue=None, alpha=None, hue=None, saturation=None, value=None): rgb_passed = bool(red)|bool(green)|bool(blue) hsv_passed = bool(hue)|bool(saturation)|bool(value) if not alpha: alpha = 0.0 if rgb_passed and hsv_passed: raise ValueError("Color can't be initialized with RGB and HSV at the same time.") elif hsv_passed: if not hue: hue = 0.0 if not saturation: saturation = 0.0 if not value: value = 0.0 super(Color, self).__setattr__('hue', hue) super(Color, self).__setattr__('saturation', saturation) super(Color, self).__setattr__('value', value) self._update_rgb() else: if not red: red = 0 if not green: green = 0 if not blue: blue = 0 super(Color, self).__setattr__('red', red) super(Color, self).__setattr__('green', green) super(Color, self).__setattr__('blue', blue) self._update_hsv() super(Color, self).__setattr__('alpha', alpha) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in ('red', 'green', 'blue'): if value > 1.0: value = value % 1.0 super(Color, self).__setattr__(key, value) self._update_hsv() elif key in ('hue', 'saturation', 'value'): if key == 'hue' and (value >= 360.0 or value < 0): value = value % 360.0 elif key != 'hue' and value > 1.0: value = 1.0 super(Color, self).__setattr__(key, value) self._update_rgb() else: if key == 'alpha' and value > 1.0: # TODO: Might this be more fitting in another place? value = 1.0 super(Color, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: red %f, green %f, blue %f, hue %f, saturation %f, value %f, alpha %f>' % ( self.__class__.__name__,,,, self.hue, self.saturation, self.value, self.alpha ) def clone(self): return Color(,,, alpha=self.alpha) def blend(self, other, mode='normal'): if self.alpha != 1.0: # no clue how to blend with a translucent bottom layer = * self.alpha = * self.alpha = * self.alpha self.alpha = 1.0 if mode == 'normal': own_influence = 1.0 - other.alpha = ( * own_influence) + ( * other.alpha) = ( * own_influence) + ( * other.alpha) = ( * own_influence) + ( * other.alpha) def lighten(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Color(red=other, green=other, blue=other, alpha=1.0) if self.alpha != 1.0: = * self.alpha = * self.alpha = * self.alpha self.alpha = 1.0 red = + ( * other.alpha) green = + ( * other.alpha) blue = + ( * other.alpha) if red > 1.0: red = 1.0 if green > 1.0: green = 1.0 if blue > 1.0: blue = 1.0 = red = green = blue def darken(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Color(red=other, green=other, blue=other, alpha=1.0) red = - green = - blue = - if red < 0: red = 0 if green < 0: green = 0 if blue < 0: blue = 0 = red = green = blue
[docs] def tuple_rgb(self): """ return color (without alpha) as tuple, channels being float 0.0-1.0 """ return (,,
[docs] def tuple_rgba(self): """ return color (*with* alpha) as tuple, channels being float 0.0-1.0 """ return (,,, self.alpha)
def _update_hsv(self): hue, saturation, value = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(,, super(Color, self).__setattr__('hue', hue * 360.0) super(Color, self).__setattr__('saturation', saturation) super(Color, self).__setattr__('value', value) def _update_rgb(self): red, green, blue = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(self.hue / 360.0, self.saturation, self.value) super(Color, self).__setattr__('red', red) super(Color, self).__setattr__('green', green) super(Color, self).__setattr__('blue', blue)
[docs]class DotDict(dict): """ A dictionary with its data being readable through faked attributes. Used to avoid [[[][][][][]] in caption formatting. """ def __getattribute__(self, name): #data = super(DotDict, self).__getattribute__('data') keys = super(DotDict, self).keys() if name in keys: return self.get(name) return super(DotDict, self).__getattribute__(name)
[docs]def palette_hue(base, count, distance=180): """ Creates a hue-rotation palette. Parameters: base (:class:`Color`): Color on which the palette will be based (i.e. the starting point of the hue-rotation). count (int): number of colors the palette should hold. distance (int or float): angular distance on a 360° hue circle thingamabob. Returns: list: A list of length **count** of :class:`Color` objects. """ if count == 1: return [base] palette = [] for i in range(0, count): color = base.clone() color.hue += i/(count - 1) * distance palette.append(color) return palette
[docs]def palette_value(base, count, min=None, max=None): """ Creates a value-stepped palette Parameters: base (:class:`Color`): Color on which the palette will be based (i.e. source of hue and saturation) count (int): number of colors the palette should hold min (float >= 0 and <= 1): minimum value (the v in hsv) max (float >= 0 and <= 1): maximum value Returns: list: A list of length **count** of :class:`Color` objects. """ if count == 1: return [base] if min is None: if 0.2 > base.value: min = base.value else: min = 0.2 if max is None: if 0.6 < base.value: max = base.value else: max = 0.6 span = max - min step = span / (count - 1) palette = [] for i in range(0, count): color = base.clone() color.value = max - i * step palette.append(color) return palette
[docs]def pretty_si(number): """ Return a SI-postfixed string representation of a number (int or float). """ postfixes = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'] value = number for postfix in postfixes: if value / 1000.0 < 1: break value /= 1000.0 return "%.2f%s" % (value, postfix)
[docs]def pretty_bytes(bytecount): """ Return a human-readable representation given a size in bytes. """ units = ['Byte', 'kbyte', 'Mbyte', 'Gbyte', 'Tbyte'] value = bytecount for unit in units: if value / 1024.0 < 1: break value /= 1024.0 return "%.2f %s" % (value, unit)
[docs]def pretty_bits(bytecount): """ Return a human-readable representation in bits given a size in bytes. """ units = ['bit', 'kbit', 'Mbit', 'Gbit', 'Tbit'] value = bytecount * 8 # bytes to bits for unit in units: if value / 1024.0 < 1: break value /= 1024.0 return "%.2f %s" % (value, unit)
[docs]def ignore_none(*args): """ Return the first passed value that isn't ``None``. """ for arg in args: if not arg is None: return arg
def condense_addr_parts(items): matching = [] max_match = min([len(x) for x in items]) for i in range(0, max_match): s = set() for item_idx in range(0, len(items)): s.add(items[item_idx][i]) if len(s) > 1: # lazy hack, means not all items have the same part at index i break matching.append(items[item_idx][i]) return '.'.join(matching) def alignment_offset(align, size): x_align, y_align = align.split('_') if x_align == 'left': x_offset = 0 elif x_align == 'center': x_offset = -size[0] / 2 elif x_align == 'right': x_offset = -size[0] else: raise ValueError("unknown horizontal alignment: '%s', must be one of: left, center, right" % x_align) if y_align == 'top': y_offset = 0 elif y_align == 'center': y_offset = -size[1] / 2 elif y_align == 'bottom': y_offset = -size[1] else: raise ValueError("unknown horizontal alignment: '%s', must be one of: top, center, bottom" % y_align) return (x_offset, y_offset) ## PATTERNS ## def stripe45(color): surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 10, 10) context = cairo.Context(surface) context.set_source_rgba(*color.tuple_rgba()) context.move_to(5, 5) context.line_to(10, 0) context.line_to(10, 5) context.line_to(5, 10) context.line_to(0, 10) context.line_to(5, 5) context.close_path() context.fill() context.move_to(0, 0) context.line_to(5, 0) context.line_to(0, 5) context.close_path() context.fill() return surface ##class PeriodicCall(threading.Thread): # # """ Periodically forces a window to redraw """ # # def __init__(self, target, hz): # # super(PeriodicCall, self).__init__() # self.daemon = True # # = target # self.interval = 1.0/hz # # # def run(self): # # while True: # This thread will automatically die with its parent because of the daemon flag # # # time.sleep(self.interval) try: _default_height = Gdk.Screen().get_default().get_height() except Exception: # to avoid setup failures in sandboxes without graphical environment _default_height = 0 DEFAULTS = { 'FPS': 1, 'WIDTH': 200, 'HEIGHT': _default_height, 'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'NETDATA_HOSTS': [], 'NETDATA_RETRY': 5, 'BSD_ACCURATE_MEMORY': False, # use inaccurate but cheaper memory collection on bsd # styling stuff below this 'MARGIN': 5, 'PADDING': 5, 'PADDING_BOTTOM': 40, # space for 2-rows of autolegend 'FONT': 'Orbitron', 'FONT_WEIGHT': 'Light', 'FONT_SIZE': 10, 'COLOR_WINDOW_BACKGROUND': Color(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8), 'COLOR_BACKGROUND': Color(1,1,1, 0.1), # background for visualizers 'COLOR_FOREGROUND': Color(0.5, 1, 0, 0.6), 'COLOR_CAPTION': Color(1,1,1, 0.6), #'COLOR_CAPTION_MINOR': Color(1,1,1, 0.3), 'PALETTE': functools.partial(palette_hue, distance=-120), # mhh, curry… 'PATTERN': stripe45, 'CAPTION_PLACEMENT': 'inner', # allow captions to be properly centered in the inner region of visualizers, as opposed to 'padding' #'CAPTION_PLACEMENT': 'padding', # allow captions to be placed within paddings, as opposed to 'inner' 'LEGEND': True, 'LEGEND_ORDER': 'normal', # other valid value: 'reverse' 'LEGEND_SIZE': 20, # not font size, but height of one legend cell, including margin and padding. 'LEGEND_PLACEMENT': 'padding', 'LEGEND_MARGIN': 2.5, #'LEGEND_PADDING': 2.5, 'LEGEND_PADDING': 0, 'OPERATOR': Operator.OVER, # class-specific default styles 'PADDING_TEXT': 0, # otherwise text will be tiny 'PADDING_RECT': 5, 'FONT_SIZE_RECT': 14, 'FONT_WEIGHT_RECT': 'Bold', #'COLOR_RECT_CAPTION': Color(1,1,1, 1), 'PATTERN_RECT': None, 'OPERATOR_RECT_CAPTION': Operator.DIFFERENCE, # grants visibility no matter how much of the rect is filled 'CAPTION_PLACEMENT_RECT': 'inner', # to get padding around cut-out 'PATTERN_ARC': None, 'PATTERN_MIRRORARC': None, 'AUTOSCALE': False, 'LINE': True, 'MARKERS': False, 'GRID': True, } ## Stuff I'd much rather do without a huge dependency like gtk ## class Window(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): super(Window, self).__init__() self.set_title('gulik') self.set_role('gulik') self.stick() # show this window on every virtual desktop self.set_app_paintable(True) self.set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DOCK) self.set_keep_below(True) screen = self.get_screen() visual = screen.get_rgba_visual() if visual != None and screen.is_composited(): self.set_visual(visual) self.show_all() @property def width(self): return self.get_size()[0] @property def height(self): return self.get_size()[1] ## Collectors ## class Collector(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, app, queue_update, queue_data): super(Collector, self).__init__() self.daemon = True = app self.queue_update = queue_update self.queue_data = queue_data self.elements = [] def terminate(self): #self.queue_data.close() # closing queues manually actually seems to mess stuff up # Would've done this cleaner, but after half a day of chasing some # retarded quantenbug I'm done with this shit. Just nuke the fucking # things from orbit. os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) #super(Collector, self).terminate() def run(self): setproctitle.setproctitle(f"gulik - {self.__class__.__name__}") while True: try: msg = self.queue_update.get(block=True) if msg == 'UPDATE': self.update() except KeyboardInterrupt: # so we don't randomly explode on ctrl+c pass def update(self): raise NotImplementedError("%s.update not implemented!" % self.__class__.__name__) class CPUCollector(Collector): def update(self): count = psutil.cpu_count() aggregate = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False) percpu = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) self.queue_data.put( { 'count': count, 'aggregate': aggregate, 'percpu': percpu }, block=True ) # according to psutil docs, there should at least be 0.1 seconds # between calls to cpu_percent without sampling interval time.sleep(0.1) class MemoryCollector(Collector): def update(self): vmem = psutil.virtual_memory() processes = [] total_use = 0 for process in psutil.process_iter(): if psutil.LINUX or (psutil.BSD and not['BSD_ACCURATE_MEMORY']): if psutil.BSD: key = 'rss' else: key = 'pss' try: pmem = process.memory_full_info()._asdict() processes.append(DotDict({ 'name':, 'size': pmem[key], #'shared': pmem.shared, 'percent': pmem[key] / * 100 })) total_use += pmem[key] except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess) as e: continue # skip to next process elif psutil.BSD: try: resident = 0 size = 0 #shared = 0 try: for mmap in process.memory_maps(): # assuming everything with a real path is # "not really in ram", but no clue. if mmap.path.startswith('['): size += mmap.private * PAGESIZE resident += mmap.rss * PAGESIZE #shared += (mmap.rss - mmap.private) * PAGESIZE # FIXME: probably broken, can yield negative values except OSError: pass # probably "device not available" processes.append(DotDict({ 'name':, 'size': size, #'shared': resident - size, 'percent': size / * 100, })) total_use += size except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess) as e: pass# TODO: add counter for processes we can't introspect info = DotDict({ 'total':, 'percent': total_use / * 100, 'available': - total_use }) processes_sorted = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: x['size'], reverse=True) for i, process in enumerate(processes_sorted[:3]): info['top_%d' % (i + 1)] = process info['other'] = DotDict({ 'name': 'other', 'size': 0, #'shared': 0, 'count': 0 }) for process in processes_sorted[3:]: info['other']['size'] += process['size'] #info['other']['shared'] += process['shared'] info['other']['count'] += 1 info['other']['percent'] = info['other']['size'] / * 100 self.queue_data.put(info, block=True) #time.sleep(1) # because this became horribly slow class NetworkCollector(Collector): def update(self): stats = psutil.net_if_stats() addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() counters = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) connections = psutil.net_connections(kind='all') self.queue_data.put( { 'stats': stats, 'addrs': addrs, 'counters': counters, 'connections': connections, }, block=True ) class BatteryCollector(Collector): def update(self): self.queue_data.put(psutil.sensors_battery(), block=True) class DiskCollector(Collector): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DiskCollector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.previous_io = {} def update(self): data = {} partitions = psutil.disk_partitions() data['partitions'] = {} for partition in partitions: name = partition.device.split('/')[-1].replace('.', '-') data['partitions'][name] = partition._asdict() data['partitions'][name]['name'] = name data['partitions'][name]['usage'] = psutil.disk_usage(partition.mountpoint)._asdict() io = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True) data['io'] = {} for disk, info in io.items(): previous_info = self.previous_io.get(disk, None) if previous_info is None: data['io'][disk] = { 'read_count': 0, 'write_count': 0, 'read_bytes': 0, 'write_bytes': 0, 'read_time': 0, 'write_time': 0, 'busy_time': 0 } else: info = info._asdict() previous_info = previous_info._asdict() data['io'][disk] = {} for k in ['read_count', 'write_count', 'read_bytes', 'write_bytes', 'read_time', 'write_time', 'busy_time']: data['io'][disk][k] = (info[k] - previous_info[k]) *['FPS'] #data['io'][disk] = info._asdict() self.queue_data.put(data, block=True) self.previous_io = io class NetdataCollector(Collector): def __init__(self, app, queue_update, queue_data, host, port): super(NetdataCollector, self).__init__(app, queue_update, queue_data) self.client = netdata.Netdata(host, port=port, timeout=1/['FPS']) def run(self): setproctitle.setproctitle(f"gulik - {self.__class__.__name__}") while True: try: msg = self.queue_update.get(block=True) if msg.startswith('UPDATE '): chart = msg[7:] self.update(chart) except KeyboardInterrupt: # so we don't randomly explode on ctrl+c pass def update(self, chart): try: # get the last second of data condensed to one point data =, points=1, after=-1, options=['absolute']) except netdata.NetdataException: pass else: self.queue_data.put((chart, data), block=True) ## Monitors ##
[docs]class Monitor(threading.Thread): """ The base class for all :ref:`monitor`\s. """ collector_type = Collector def __init__(self, app, component): super(Monitor, self).__init__() = app self.component = component self.daemon = True self.seppuku = False self.queue_update = multiprocessing.Queue(1) self.queue_data = multiprocessing.Queue(1) self.collector = self.collector_type(, self.queue_update, self.queue_data) = {} self.defective = False # for future use, mostly for networked monitors (netdata, mpd, …) def register_elements(self, elements): pass def tick(self): if not self.queue_update.full(): self.queue_update.put('UPDATE', block=True) def start(self): self.collector.start() super(Monitor, self).start() def run(self): #while self.collector.is_alive(): while not self.seppuku: try: = self.queue_data.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: # try again, but give thread the ability to die without # waiting on collector indefinitely continue self.commit_seppuku() def commit_seppuku(self): print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} committing glorious seppuku!") #self.queue_update.close() self.collector.terminate() self.collector.join() def normalize(self, element): raise NotImplementedError("%s.normalize not implemented!" % self.__class__.__name__) def caption(self, fmt): raise NotImplementedError("%s.caption not implemented!" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class CPUMonitor(Monitor): """ Memory for CPU usage. """ collector_type = CPUCollector
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ Elements exposed: * ``aggregate``: average cpu use, sum of all core loads divided by number of cores * ``core_<n>``: load of core ``<n>``, with possible values of ``<n>`` being 0 to number of cores - 1 """ if not return 0 if element == 'aggregate': return['aggregate'] / 100.0 # assume core_<n> otherwise idx = int(element.split('_')[1]) return['percpu'][idx] / 100.0
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys: * ``aggregate``: average cpu use, sum of all core loads divided by number of cores * ``core_<n>``: load of core ``<n>``, with possible values of ``<n>`` being 0 to number of cores - 1 * ``count``: number of cores """ if not return fmt data = {} data['count'] =['count'] data['aggregate'] =['aggregate'] for idx, perc in enumerate(['percpu']): data['core_%d' % idx] = perc return fmt.format(**data)
[docs]class MemoryMonitor(Monitor): """ Monitor for memory usage """ collector_type = MemoryCollector
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ Elements exposed: * ``percent``: memory use of all processes. * ``top_<n>``: memory use of the ``<n>``\th-biggest process. Valid values of ``<n>`` are 1-3. * ``other``: memory use of all processes except the top 3 """ if not return 0 if element == 'percent': return'percent', 0) / 100.0 return[element].get('percent', 0) / 100.0
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys: * ``total``: how much memory this machine has in total, * ``percent``: total memory usage in percent. * ``available``: how much memory can be malloc'd without going into swap (roughly). * ``top_<n>``: access information about the 3 "biggest" processes. possible subkeys are ``name``, ``size`` and ``percent``. * ``other``: aggregate information for all processes *except* the top 3. Same subkeys as those, plus ``'count``. """ if not return fmt data = DotDict()#dict( # clone data['total'] = pretty_bytes(['total']) data['available'] = pretty_bytes(['available']) data['percent'] =['percent'] for k in ['top_1', 'top_2', 'top_3', 'other']: data[k] = DotDict() data[k]['name'] =[k]['name'] data[k]['size'] = pretty_bytes([k]['size']) #data[k]['shared'] = pretty_bytes([k]['shared']) if k == 'other': data[k]['count'] =[k]['count'] return fmt.format(**data)
[docs]class NetworkMonitor(Monitor): """ Monitor for network interfaces. """ collector_type = NetworkCollector def __init__(self, app, component): super(NetworkMonitor, self).__init__(app, component) self.interfaces = collections.OrderedDict() if['FPS'] < 2: # we need a minimum of 2 samples so we can compute a difference deque_len = 2 else: # max size equal fps means this holds data of only the last second deque_len =['FPS'] keys = [ 'bytes_sent', 'bytes_recv', 'packets_sent', 'packets_recv', 'errin', 'errout', 'dropin', 'dropout' ] for if_name in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).keys(): self.interfaces[if_name] = { 'addrs': {}, 'stats': {}, 'counters': {} } for key in keys: self.interfaces[if_name]['counters'][key] = collections.deque([], deque_len) self.aggregate = { 'if_count': len(self.interfaces), 'if_up': 0, 'speed': 0, # aggregate link speed 'counters': {} } for key in keys: self.aggregate['counters'][key] = collections.deque([], deque_len) def run(self): while not self.seppuku: try: = self.queue_data.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: # try again, but give thread the ability to die # without waiting on collector indefinitely. continue aggregates = {} for key in self.aggregate['counters']: #self.aggregate['counters'][k] = [] aggregates[key] = 0 self.aggregate['speed'] = 0 for if_name, if_data in self.interfaces.items(): if_has_data = if_name in['counters'] and\ if_name in['stats'] and\ if_name in['addrs'] if if_has_data: for key, deque in if_data['counters'].items(): value =['counters'][if_name]._asdict()[key] deque.append(value) aggregates[key] += value self.interfaces[if_name]['stats'] =['stats'][if_name]._asdict() if self.interfaces[if_name]['stats']['speed'] == 0: self.interfaces[if_name]['stats']['speed'] = 1000 # assume gbit speed per default self.aggregate['speed'] += self.interfaces[if_name]['stats']['speed'] if if_name in['addrs']: self.interfaces[if_name]['addrs'] =['addrs'][if_name] else: self.interfaces[if_name]['addrs'] = [] for key, value in aggregates.items(): self.aggregate['counters'][key].append(value) self.commit_seppuku()
[docs] def count_sec(self, interface, key): """ get a specified count for a given interface as calculated for the last second. EXAMPLE: ``self.count_sec('eth0', 'bytes_sent')`` (will return count of bytes sent in the last second) """ if interface == 'aggregate': deque = self.aggregate['counters'][key] else: deque = self.interfaces[interface]['counters'][key] if len(deque) < 2: # not enough data return 0 elif['FPS'] < 2: # fps < 1 means data covers 1/fps seconds return (deque[-1] - deque[0]) /['FPS'] else: # last (most recent) minus first (oldest) item return deque[-1] - deque[0]
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ Exposed elements: * ``<if>.bytes_sent``: upload of network interface ``<if>``. * ``<if>.bytes_recv``: download of network interface ``<if>``. `<if>` can be any local network interface as well as `'aggregate'`. """ if_name, key = element.split('.') if if_name == 'aggregate': if len(self.aggregate['counters'][key]) >= 2: link_quality = float(self.aggregate['speed'] * 1024**2) return (self.count_sec(if_name, key) * 8) / link_quality elif len(self.interfaces[if_name]['counters'][key]) >= 2: link_quality = float(self.interfaces[if_name]['stats']['speed'] * 1024**2) return (self.count_sec(if_name, key) * 8) / link_quality # program flow should only arrive here if we have less than 2 # datapoints in which case we can't establish used bandwidth. return 0
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys: * ``<if>.bytes_sent``: upload of network interface ``<if>``. * ``<if>.bytes_recv``: download of network interface ``<if>``. * ``<if>.if_up``: Boolean, whether the interface is up. * ``<if>.speed``: interface speed in Mbit/s * ``<if>.counters``: supplies access to interface counters. Possible sub-elements are: * ``bytes_sent`` * ``bytes_recv`` * ``packets_sent`` * ``packets_recv`` * ``errin`` * ``errout`` * ``dropin`` * ``dropout`` `<if>` can be any local network interface as well as ``'aggregate'``. Additionally, the ``'aggregate'`` interface exposes the total count of network interfaces as ``if_count``. """ if not return fmt data = {} data['aggregate'] = DotDict() data['aggregate']['if_count'] = self.aggregate['if_count'] data['aggregate']['if_up'] = self.aggregate['if_up'] data['aggregate']['speed'] = self.aggregate['speed'] data['aggregate']['counters'] = DotDict() for key in self.aggregate['counters'].keys(): data['aggregate']['counters'][key] = self.count_sec('aggregate', key) if key.startswith('bytes'): data['aggregate']['counters'][key] = pretty_bits(data['aggregate']['counters'][key]) + '/s' for if_name in self.interfaces.keys(): data[if_name] = DotDict() data[if_name]['addrs'] = DotDict() all_addrs = [] for idx, addr in enumerate(self.interfaces[if_name]['addrs']): data[if_name]['addrs'][str(idx)] = addr all_addrs.append(addr.address) data[if_name]['all_addrs'] = u"\n".join(all_addrs) data[if_name]['stats'] = DotDict(self.interfaces[if_name]['stats']) data[if_name]['counters'] = DotDict() for key in self.interfaces[if_name]['counters'].keys(): data[if_name]['counters'][key] = self.count_sec(if_name, key) if key.startswith('bytes'): data[if_name]['counters'][key] = pretty_bits(data[if_name]['counters'][key]) + '/s' return fmt.format(**data)
[docs]class BatteryMonitor(Monitor): """ Monitor laptop batteries. """ collector_type = BatteryCollector
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ This function exposes no explicit elements, but always just returns the current fill of the battery. """ # TODO: multi-battery support? needs support by psutil… if not return 0 return / 100.0
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys: * ``power_plugged``: Boolean, whether the AC cable is connected. * ``percent``: current fill of the battery in percent. * ``secsleft``: seconds left till battery is completely drained. * ``state``: Current state of the battery, one of ``'full'``, ``'charging'`` or ``'draining'``. """ if not return fmt data = if not data['power_plugged']: data['state'] = 'draining' elif data['percent'] == 100: data['state'] = 'full' else: data['state'] = 'charging' return fmt.format(**data)
[docs]class DiskMonitor(Monitor): """ Monitors disk I/O and partitions. """ collector_type = DiskCollector def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DiskMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.normalization_values = {} io = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True) for disk, info in io.items(): #self.normalization_values[disk] = info._asdict() for key, value in info._asdict().items(): element = '.'.join(['io', disk, key]) if key.endswith('_bytes'): self.normalization_values[element] = 100 * 1024 ** 2 # assume baseline ability of 100 MByte/s elif key.endswith('_count'): self.normalization_values[element] = 0 # FIXME: I have 0 clue what a reasonable baseline here is elif key.endswith('_time'): self.normalization_values[element] = 1000 # one second of data, collector reports data in milliseconds/s else: self.normalization_values[element] = 0
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ Elements exposed: * ``io`` * Valid subelements are disk device file names as found in ``/dev``. Examples: ``ada0``, ``sda``. Valid subsubelements are as follows: * ``read_bytes`` * ``write_bytes`` * ``read_time`` * ``write_time`` * ``busy_time`` * ``partitions`` * Valid subelements are partition device file names as found in ``/dev``, with dots (``.``) being replaced with dashes (``-``). Examples: ``root-eli``, ``sda1``. """ parts = element.split('.') if parts[0] == 'io': disk, key = parts[1:] value =['io'][disk][key] if self.normalization_values[element] < value: self.normalization_values[element] = value return['io'][disk][key] / self.normalization_values[element] elif parts[0] == 'partitions': name = parts[1] info =['partitions'][name]['usage'] return info['used'] / info['total'] return 0
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys are the same as for :func:`DiskMonitor.normalize`. """ data = DotDict() if 'partitions' in and 'io' in data['io'] = DotDict() for name, diskinfo in['io'].items(): data['io'][name] = DotDict() for key, value in diskinfo.items(): if key.endswith('_bytes'): value = pretty_bytes(value) data['io'][name][key] = value data['partitions'] = DotDict() for name, partition in['partitions'].items(): part_data = DotDict() for key in ['name', 'device', 'mountpoint', 'fstype', 'opts']: part_data[key] = partition[key] part_data['usage'] = DotDict(partition['usage']) data['partitions'][name] = part_data return fmt.format(**data) return fmt
[docs]class NetdataMonitor(Monitor): """ Monitor that interfaces with (remote) netdata instances. """ collector_type = NetdataCollector def __init__(self, app, component, host, port): self.collector_type = functools.partial(self.collector_type, host=host, port=port) super(NetdataMonitor, self).__init__(app, component) self.charts = set() self.normalization_values = {} # keep a table of known maximums because netdata doesn't supply absolute normalization values self.info_last_try = time.time() try: self.netdata_info = self.collector.client.charts() except netdata.NetdataException as e: print(f"Couldn't get chart overview from netdata host {host}!") self.netdata_info = None self.defective = True self.almost_fixed = False def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} host={} port={self.collector.client.port}>" def register_elements(self, elements): for element in elements: parts = element.split('.') chart = '.'.join(parts[:2]) if not chart in self.charts: self.normalization_values[chart] = 0 if self.netdata_info: if not chart in self.netdata_info['charts']: raise ValueError(f"Invalid chart: {chart} on netdata instance {}:{self.port}!") chart_info = self.netdata_info['charts'][chart] if chart_info['units'] == 'percentage': self.normalization_values[chart] = 100 else: self.normalization_values[chart] = 0 self.charts.add(chart) def run(self): #while self.collector.is_alive(): while not self.seppuku: try: (chart, data) = self.queue_data.get(timeout=1/['FPS'])[chart] = data l = len(data['data'][0]) if(l < 2): print(f"Missing data, marking {self} as defective.") self.defective = True else: values = data['data'][0][1:] if self.defective: pass elif values[0] is None: # ignore "dead" datapoints print(f"Got dead datapoint, marking {self} as defective.") self.defective = True elif self.netdata_info['charts'][chart]['units'] == 'percentage': self.normalization_values[chart] = 100 # in case self was defective when register_elements was called else: cumulative_value = sum(data['data'][0][1:]) if self.normalization_values[chart] < cumulative_value: self.normalization_values[chart] = cumulative_value except queue.Empty: continue # try again self.commit_seppuku() def tick(self): if self.defective: t = time.time() if t >= self.info_last_try +['NETDATA_RETRY']: if self.almost_fixed: print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance almost fixed, ignoring first chart overview because of netdata weirdness.") else: print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance currently defective, trying to get netdata overview from {}.") self.info_last_try = t try: self.netdata_info = self.collector.client.charts() if self.almost_fixed: self.defective = False self.almost_fixed = False self.tick() # do the actual tick (i.e. the else clause) if not self.defective: # in case defective was re-set in because of dead datapoints print("Success!") else: self.almost_fixed = True except netdata.NetdataException as e: print(f"Failed, will retry in {['NETDATA_RETRY']} seconds.") else: if not self.queue_update.full(): #if not self.seppuku: # don't request more updates to collector when we're trying to die for chart in self.charts: self.queue_update.put(f"UPDATE {chart}", block=True)
[docs] def normalize(self, element): """ Exposed elements correspond to *chart names* and their datapoint *dimension*s. For a list of valid chart and dimensions names, consult ``/api/v1/charts`` of the netdata instance in question. Examples: * ``system.cpu.nice`` * ``disk.ada0.writes`` """ if self.defective: return 0 else: parts = element.split('.') chart = '.'.join(parts[:2]) #if chart not in self.charts or not[chart]: if not chart in #print(f"No data for {chart}") return 0 # #timestamp =[chart]['data'][0][0] # first element of a netdata datapoint is always time #if timestamp > self.last_updates[chart]: subelem = parts[2] subidx =[chart]['labels'].index(subelem) value =[chart]['data'][0][subidx] if value >= self.normalization_values[chart]: self.normalization_values[chart] = value if self.normalization_values[chart] == 0: return 0 r = value / self.normalization_values[chart] return r
[docs] def caption(self, fmt): """ Exposed keys are the same as for :func:`NetdataMonitor.normalize`. """ if not or self.defective: return fmt data = DotDict() for chart_name, chart_data in chart_keys = chart_name.split('.') unit = self.netdata_info['charts'][chart_name]['units'] # called "units" but actually only ever one. it's a string. if not chart_keys[0] in data: data[chart_keys[0]] = DotDict() d = DotDict() for idx, label in enumerate(chart_data['labels']): value = chart_data['data'][0][idx] if value == None: value = 0 elif unit == 'bytes': value = pretty_bytes(value) elif unit.startswith('kilobytes'): postfix = unit[9:] value = pretty_bytes(value * 1024) + postfix elif unit.startswith('kilobits'): postfix = unit[8:] value = pretty_bits(value * 1024) + postfix else: value = f"{value} {unit}" d[label] = value data[chart_keys[0]][chart_keys[1]] = d return fmt.format(**data)
## Visualizers ##
[docs]class Visualizer(object): """ The base class for all visualizers. Not called widget to avoid naming confusion with gtk widgets (which aren't even used in gulik). Usually you won't instantiate this by yourself but use :func:``. Parameters: app (:class:`Gulik`): The app managing visualizers and monitors monitor (:class:`Monitor`): The monitor managing data collection for this visualizer x (int): leftmost coordinate on the x-axis y (int): topmost coordinate on the y-axis width (int): overall width (including **margin** and **padding**) height (int): overall height (including **margin** and **padding**) margin (int, optional): margin applied around all sides margin_left (int, optional): margin applied to the left side margin_right (int, optional): margin applied to the right side margin_top (int, optional): margin applied to the top side margin_bottom (int, optional): margin applied to the bottom side padding (int, optional): padding applied around all sides padding_left (int, optional): padding applied to the left side padding_right (int, optional): padding applied to the right side padding_top (int, optional): padding applied to the top side padding_bottom (int, optional): padding applied to the bottom side elements (list of str): A list of :ref:`element`\s to visualize captions (list of dict, optional): A list of :ref:`caption descriptions<caption-description>` legend (bool): Whether to try to automatically create a legend of elements legend_order('normal' or 'reverse', optional): Whether to reverse the legend order legend_format(str): A format string, can contain ``{element}`` to refer to the element legend items refer to. legend_size (int, optional): height of a single legend item legend_placement ('padding' or 'inner'): Where to place the legend legend_margin (int, optional): margin applied around all sides of the legend legend_margin_left (int, optional): margin applied to the left side of the legend legend_margin_right (int, optional): margin applied to the right side of the legend legend_margin_top (int, optional): margin applied to the top side of the legend legend_margin_bottom (int, optional): margin applied to the bottom side of the legend legend_padding (int, optional): padding applied around all sides of the legend legend_padding_left (int, optional): padding applied to the left side of the legend legend_padding_right (int, optional): padding applied to the right side of the legend legend_padding_top (int, optional): padding applied to the top side of the legend legend_padding_bottom (int, optional): padding applied to the bottom side of the legend foreground (:class:`Color`, optional): The foreground color, base-color for generated palettes background (:class:`Color`, optional): The background color pattern (function, optional): An executable :ref:`pattern` palette (function, optional): An executable :ref:`palette` combination (str, optional): The :ref:`combination` mode used when displaying multiple :ref:`element`\s """ def __init__( self, app, monitor, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, margin=None, margin_left=None, margin_right=None, margin_top=None, margin_bottom=None, padding=None, padding_left=None, padding_right=None, padding_top=None, padding_bottom=None, elements=None, captions=None, caption_placement=None, legend=None, legend_order=None, legend_format=None, legend_size=None, legend_placement=None, legend_margin=None, legend_margin_left=None, legend_margin_right=None, legend_margin_top=None, legend_margin_bottom=None, legend_padding=None, legend_padding_left=None, legend_padding_right=None, legend_padding_top=None, legend_padding_bottom=None, foreground=None, background=None, pattern=None, palette=None, combination=None, operator=None ): = app self.monitor = monitor self.x = x self.y = y self.elements = ignore_none(elements, []) self.captions = ignore_none(captions, list()) self.caption_placement = ignore_none(caption_placement, self.get_style('caption_placement')) self.legend = ignore_none(legend, self.get_style('legend')) self.legend_order = ignore_none(legend_order, self.get_style('legend_order')) self.legend_format = legend_format self.legend_placement = ignore_none(legend_placement, self.get_style('legend_placement')) self.legend_size= ignore_none(legend_size, self.get_style('legend_size')) self.legend_margin_left = ignore_none(legend_margin_left, legend_margin, self.get_style('legend_margin', 'left')) self.legend_margin_right = ignore_none(legend_margin_right, legend_margin, self.get_style('legend_margin', 'right')) self.legend_margin_top = ignore_none(legend_margin_top, legend_margin, self.get_style('legend_margin', 'top')) self.legend_margin_bottom = ignore_none(legend_margin_bottom, legend_margin, self.get_style('legend_margin', 'bottom')) self.legend_padding_left = ignore_none(legend_padding_left, legend_padding, self.get_style('legend_padding', 'left')) self.legend_padding_right = ignore_none(legend_padding_right, legend_padding, self.get_style('legend_padding', 'right')) self.legend_padding_top = ignore_none(legend_padding_top, legend_padding, self.get_style('legend_padding', 'top')) self.legend_padding_bottom = ignore_none(legend_padding_bottom, legend_padding, self.get_style('legend_padding', 'bottom')) self.operator = ignore_none(operator, self.get_style('operator')) self.width = ignore_none(width, self.get_style('width')) self.height = ignore_none(height, self.get_style('height')) self.margin_left = ignore_none(margin_left, margin, self.get_style('margin', 'left')) self.margin_right = ignore_none(margin_right, margin, self.get_style('margin', 'right')) self.margin_top = ignore_none(margin_top, margin, self.get_style('margin', 'top')) self.margin_bottom = ignore_none(margin_bottom, margin, self.get_style('margin', 'bottom')) self.padding_left = ignore_none(padding_left, padding, self.get_style('padding', 'left')) self.padding_right = ignore_none(padding_right, padding, self.get_style('padding', 'right')) self.padding_top = ignore_none(padding_top, padding, self.get_style('padding', 'top')) self.padding_bottom = ignore_none(padding_bottom, padding, self.get_style('padding', 'bottom')) self.colors = {} self.colors['foreground'] = ignore_none(foreground, self.get_style('color', 'foreground')) self.colors['background'] = ignore_none(background, self.get_style('color', 'background')) self.pattern = ignore_none(pattern, self.get_style('pattern')) self.palette = ignore_none(palette, self.get_style('palette')) # function to generate color palettes with self.combination = ignore_none(combination, 'separate') # combination mode when handling multiple elements. 'separate', 'cumulative' or 'cumulative_force'. cumulative assumes all values add up to max 1.0, while separate assumes every value can reach 1.0 and divides all values by the number of elements handled assert self.inner_width > 0, f"margin and padding too big, implying negative inner width for {self.__class__.__name__}/{self.monitor.component}/{self.elements}" assert self.inner_height > 0, f"margin and padding too big, implying negative inner height for {self.__class__.__name__}/{self.monitor.component}/{self.elements}" self.monitor.register_elements(self.elements) if self.legend: legend_x = self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left legend_y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top if self.legend_placement == 'inner': legend_height = self.inner_height else: # 'padding' legend_y += self.inner_height legend_height = self.padding_bottom rownum = legend_height // self.legend_size if rownum < 1: print(f"Can't add autolegend to {self.__class__.__name__}/{self.monitor.component} because of insufficient space: {legend_height}px") else: legend_info = self.legend_info() colnum = math.ceil(len(legend_info) // rownum) or 1 cell_width = self.inner_width // colnum #colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) box =, legend_y, self.inner_width, legend_height) if self.legend_order == 'reverse': iterator = reversed(legend_info) else: iterator = legend_info #for element in legend_elements: for element in iterator: color, text = legend_info[element] if self.legend_format: text = self.legend_format.format(**{'element': element}) self.monitor.component, Text, text=text, align='center_center', foreground=color, background=Color(0,0,0, 0), width=cell_width, height=self.legend_size, margin_left=self.legend_margin_left, margin_right=self.legend_margin_right, margin_top=self.legend_margin_top, margin_bottom=self.legend_margin_bottom, padding_left=self.legend_padding_left, padding_right=self.legend_padding_right, padding_top=self.legend_padding_top, padding_bottom=self.legend_padding_bottom, legend=False )
[docs] def get_style(self, name, subname=None): """ load the most specific style setting available given a name and optional subname. usage examples: self.get_style('margin', 'left'), """ keys = [] if subname: keys.append('_'.join([name, self.__class__.__name__, subname]).upper()) keys.append('_'.join([name, self.__class__.__name__]).upper()) if subname: keys.append('_'.join([name, subname]).upper()) keys.append(name.upper()) for key in keys: if key in return[key]
[docs] def legend_info(self): """ defines colors for legend elements """ data = collections.OrderedDict() colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) for idx, color in enumerate(colors): element = self.elements[idx] data[element] = (color, element) return data
@property def padded_width(self): return self.width - self.margin_left - self.margin_right @property def padded_height(self): return self.height - self.margin_top - self.margin_bottom @property def inner_width(self): return self.padded_width - self.padding_left - self.padding_right @property def inner_height(self): return self.padded_height - self.padding_top - self.padding_bottom def set_brush(self, context, color): # possible TODO: better function name if self.pattern: context.set_source_surface(self.pattern(color)) context.get_source().set_extend(cairo.Extend.REPEAT) else: context.set_source_rgba(*color.tuple_rgba()) def draw_background(self, context): context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['background'].tuple_rgba()) context.rectangle(self.x + self.margin_left+ self.padding_left, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top, self.inner_width, self.inner_height) context.fill() def draw_captions(self, context): for caption in self.captions: context.set_operator(caption.get('operator', self.get_style('operator', 'caption'))) if 'position' in caption: if isinstance(caption['position'], str): # handle alignment-style strings like "center_bottom" if self.caption_placement == 'inner': offset = [-x for x in alignment_offset(caption['position'], (self.inner_width, self.inner_height))] else: offset = [-x for x in alignment_offset(caption['position'], (self.padded_width, self.padded_height))] else: offset = caption['position'] else: offset = [0, 0] if self.caption_placement == 'inner': position = [offset[0] + self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, offset[1] + self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top] else: position = [offset[0] + self.x + self.margin_left, offset[1] + self.y + self.margin_top] caption_text = self.monitor.caption(caption['text']) context, caption_text, position[0], position[1], align=caption.get('align', None), color=caption.get('color', self.get_style('color', 'caption')), font_size=caption.get('font_size', self.get_style('font_size', 'caption')), font_weight=caption.get('font_weight', self.get_style('font_weight', 'caption')) ) context.restore()
[docs] def update(self, context): """ Parameters: context (:class:`cairo.Context`): cairo context of the window """ context.set_operator(self.operator) self.draw(context) context.restore()
def draw(self, context): raise NotImplementedError("%s.draw not implemented!" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class Text(Visualizer): """ Scrollable text using monitors' ``caption`` function to give textual representations of values, prettified where necessary. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, text, speed=25, align=None, **kwargs): super(Text, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) self.text = text # the text to be rendered, a format string passed to monitor.caption self.previous_text = '' # to be able to detect change self.speed = speed self.align = ignore_none(align, 'left_top') surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 10, 10) context = cairo.Context(surface) font = Pango.FontDescription('%s %s 10' % (self.get_style('font'), self.get_style('font_weight'))) layout = PangoCairo.create_layout(context) layout.set_font_description(font) layout.set_text('0', -1) # naively assuming 0 is the highest glyph size = layout.get_pixel_size() if size[1] > 10: self.font_size = self.inner_height * 10/size[1] else: self.font_size = self.inner_height # probably not gonna happen self.direction = 'left' self.offset = 0.0 self.step = speed /['FPS'] # i.e. speed in pixel/s def draw_background(self, context): context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['background'].tuple_rgba()) context.rectangle(self.x + self.margin_left, self.y + self.margin_top, self.padded_width, self.padded_height) context.fill() def draw(self, context): text = self.monitor.caption(self.text) self.draw_background(context) context.rectangle(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top, self.inner_width, self.inner_height) context.clip() context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['foreground'].tuple_rgba()) font = Pango.FontDescription('%s %s %d' % (self.get_style('font'), self.get_style('font_weight'), self.font_size)) layout = PangoCairo.create_layout(context) layout.set_font_description(font) layout.set_text(text, -1) size = layout.get_pixel_size() align_offset = alignment_offset(self.align, size) # needed for the specified text alignment #align_offset = [sum(x) for x in zip(alignment_offset(self.align, size), alignment_offset(self.align, [self.inner_width, self.inner_height]))] # needed for the specified text alignment max_offset = size[0] - self.inner_width # biggest needed offset for marquee, can be negative if all text fits if max_offset <= 0 or text != self.previous_text: self.direction = 'left' self.offset = 0 x = self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left - self.offset if max_offset < 0: # only account for horizontal offset when space allows x += align_offset[0] if self.align.startswith('center'): x += self.inner_width / 2 elif self.align.startswith('right'): x += self.inner_width y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + align_offset[1] # NOTE: does stuff even show up with vertical align != center? if self.align.endswith('center'): y += self.inner_height / 2 elif self.align.endswith('bottom'): y += self.inner_height context.translate(x, y) PangoCairo.update_layout(context, layout) PangoCairo.show_layout(context, layout) context.restore() if self.direction == 'left': self.offset += self.step if self.offset > max_offset: self.direction = 'right' self.offset = max_offset else: self.offset -= self.step if self.offset < 0: self.direction = 'left' self.offset = 0 self.previous_text = text
[docs]class Rect(Visualizer): """ .. image:: _static/rect.png """ def draw_rect(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): self.set_brush(context, color) context.rectangle( self.x + self.margin_left + self.padded_width * offset, self.y + self.margin_top, self.padded_width * value, self.padded_height) context.fill() def draw_background(self, context): self.draw_rect(context, 1, self.colors['background']) def draw(self, context): colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) offset = 0.0 self.draw_background(context) for idx, element in enumerate(self.elements): value = self.monitor.normalize(element) if self.combination != 'cumulative': value /= len(self.elements) color = colors[idx] self.draw_rect(context, value, color, offset) if self.combination.startswith('cumulative'): offset += value else: offset += 1.0 / len(self.elements) self.draw_captions(context)
[docs]class MirrorRect(Visualizer): """ Mirrored variant of :class:`Rect`. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, **kwargs): self.left = kwargs['elements'][0] self.right = kwargs['elements'][1] kwargs['elements'] = self.left + self.right super(MirrorRect, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) self.x_center = self.x + self.margin_left + (self.inner_width / 2) self.draw_left = self.draw_rect_negative self.draw_right = self.draw_rect
[docs] def legend_info(self): """ defines colors for legend elements """ data = collections.OrderedDict() colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], max(len(self.left), len(self.right))) parts = [[] for _ in range(0, len(colors))] for elements in (self.left, self.right): for idx, element in enumerate(elements): parts[idx].append(element.split('.')) condensed = [] for items in parts: condensed.append(condense_addr_parts(items)) assert len(colors) == len(condensed) for idx, condensed_name in enumerate(condensed): data[condensed_name] = (colors[idx], condensed_name) return data
def draw_rect(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): self.set_brush(context, color) context.rectangle(self.x_center + self.inner_width / 2 * offset, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top, self.inner_width / 2 * value, self.inner_height) context.fill() def draw_rect_negative(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): self.set_brush(context, color) context.rectangle(self.x_center - self.inner_width / 2 * offset - self.inner_width / 2 * value, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top, self.inner_width / 2 * value, self.inner_height) context.fill() def draw(self, context): colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], max(len(self.left), len(self.right))) self.draw_background(context) for elements, drawer in ((self.left, self.draw_left), (self.right, self.draw_right)): offset = 0.0 for idx, element in enumerate(elements): value = self.monitor.normalize(element) if self.combination != 'cumulative': value /= len(elements) color = colors[idx] drawer(context, value, color, offset) if self.combination.startswith('cumulative'): offset += value else: offset += 1.0 / len(elements) self.draw_captions(context)
[docs]class Arc(Visualizer): """ .. image:: _static/arc.png Parameters: stroke_width (int): width of the arc in pixels. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, stroke_width=5, **kwargs): super(Arc, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) self.stroke_width = stroke_width #self.radius = (min(self.width, self.height) / 2) - (2 * self.padding) - (self.stroke_width / 2) self.radius = (min(self.inner_width, self.inner_height) / 2) - self.stroke_width / 2 self.x_center = self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + (self.inner_width / 2) self.y_center = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + (self.inner_height / 2) def draw_arc(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): context.set_line_width(self.stroke_width) context.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT) self.set_brush(context, color) context.arc( self.x_center, self.y_center, self.radius, math.pi / 2 + math.pi * 2 * offset, math.pi / 2 + math.pi * 2 * (offset + value) ) context.stroke() def draw_background(self, context): self.draw_arc(context, 1, self.colors['background']) def draw(self, context): self.draw_background(context) colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) offset = 0.0 for idx, element in enumerate(self.elements): value = self.monitor.normalize(element) if self.combination != 'cumulative': value /= len(self.elements) color = colors[idx] self.draw_arc(context, value, color, offset=offset) if self.combination == 'separate': offset += 1 / len(self.elements) else: offset += value self.draw_captions(context)
[docs]class MirrorArc(MirrorRect, Arc): """ Mirrored variant of :class:`Arc`. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, **kwargs): super(MirrorArc, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) self.draw_left = self.draw_arc_negative self.draw_right = self.draw_arc def draw_arc(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): value /= 2 offset /= 2 super(MirrorArc, self).draw_arc(context, value, color, offset=offset) def draw_arc_negative(self, context, value, color, offset=0.0): context.set_line_width(self.stroke_width) context.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT) self.set_brush(context, color) context.arc_negative( self.x_center, self.y_center, self.radius, math.pi / 2 - math.pi * offset, math.pi / 2 - math.pi * (offset + value) ) context.stroke() def draw_background(self, context): self.draw_arc(context, 2, self.colors['background'])
[docs]class Plot(Visualizer): """ .. image:: _static/plot.png Parameters: num_points (int, optional): The number of datapoints to show. autoscale (bool, optional): Whether to automatically "zoom" into the data. markers (bool, optional): Whether tho render markers at data point coordinates. line (bool, optional): Whether to draw a line. grid (bool, optional): Whether to draw a grid. The grid automatically adapts if ``autoscale`` is ``True``. **kwargs: passed on to :class:`Visualizer`\. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, num_points=None, autoscale=None, markers=None, line=None, grid=None, **kwargs): super(Plot, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) if num_points: self.num_points = num_points self.step = self.inner_width / (num_points - 1) assert int(self.step) >= 1, "num_points %d exceeds pixel density!" % num_points else: # closest fit to 8px step that fills self.inner_width perfectly self.num_points = int(self.inner_width // 8) self.step = self.inner_width / (self.num_points - 1) self.prepare_points() # creates self.points with a deque for every plot self.autoscale = ignore_none(autoscale, self.get_style('autoscale')) self.markers = ignore_none(markers, self.get_style('markers')) self.line = ignore_none(line, self.get_style('line')) self.grid = ignore_none(grid, self.get_style('grid')) self.grid_height = self.inner_height self.colors['plot_line'] = self.colors['foreground'].clone() self.colors['plot_line'].alpha *= 0.8 self.colors['plot_fill'] = self.colors['foreground'].clone() if self.line: self.colors['plot_fill'].alpha *= 0.25 self.colors['grid_major'] = self.colors['plot_line'].clone() self.colors['grid_major'].alpha *= 0.5 self.colors['grid_minor'] = self.colors['background'].clone() self.colors['grid_minor'].alpha *= 0.8 self.colors['grid_milli'] = self.colors['background'].clone() self.colors['grid_milli'].alpha *= 0.4 self.colors['caption_scale'] = self.colors['foreground'].clone() self.colors['caption_scale'].alpha *= 0.6 self.colors_plot_marker = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) self.colors_plot_line = self.palette(self.colors['plot_line'], len(self.elements)) self.colors_plot_fill = self.palette(self.colors['plot_fill'], len(self.elements)) def prepare_points(self): self.points = collections.OrderedDict() for element in self.elements: self.points[element] = collections.deque([], self.num_points) def get_scale_factor(self, elements=None): if elements is None: elements = self.elements if self.combination.startswith('cumulative'): cumulative_points = [] for idx in range(0, self.num_points): value = 0.0 for element in elements: try: value += self.points[element][idx] except IndexError as e: continue # means self.points deques aren't filled completely yet if self.combination == 'cumulative_force': cumulative_points.append(value / len(elements)) else: cumulative_points.append(value) p = max(cumulative_points) else: maxes = [] for element in elements: if len(self.points[element]): maxes.append(max(self.points[element])) p = max(maxes) if p > 0: return 1.0 / p return 0.0 def get_points_scaled(self, element, elements=None): if elements is None: elements = self.elements scale_factor = self.get_scale_factor(elements) if scale_factor == 0.0: return [0.0 for _ in range(0, len(self.points[element]))] r = [] for amplitude in self.points[element]: r.append(amplitude * scale_factor) return r def draw_grid(self, context, elements=None): if elements is None: elements = self.elements scale_factor = self.get_scale_factor(elements) context.set_line_width(1) context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['grid_minor'].tuple_rgba()) #context.set_dash([1,1]) x_coords = [x * self.step for x in range(0, self.num_points - 1)] x_coords = [self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + x for x in x_coords] for x in x_coords: context.move_to(x, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top) context.line_to(x, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.grid_height) context.stroke() if not self.autoscale: for i in range(0, 110, 10): # 0,10,20..100 value = i / 100.0 y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.grid_height - self.grid_height * value context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, y) context.line_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, y) context.stroke() elif scale_factor > 0: if scale_factor > 1000: return # current maximum value under 1 permill, thus no guides are placed elif scale_factor > 100: # current maximum under 1 percent, place permill guides context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['grid_milli'].tuple_rgba()) for i in range(0, 10): # place lines for 0-9 percent value = i / 1000.0 * scale_factor y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.grid_height - self.grid_height * value if y < self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top: break # stop the loop if guides would be placed outside the visualizer context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, y) context.line_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, y) context.stroke() elif scale_factor > 10: context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['grid_minor'].tuple_rgba()) for i in range(0, 10): # place lines for 0-9 percent value = i / 100.0 * scale_factor y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.grid_height - self.grid_height * value if y < self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top: break # stop the loop if guides would be placed outside the visualizer context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, y) context.line_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, y) context.stroke() else: # major (10% step) guides context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['grid_major'].tuple_rgba()) for i in range(0, 110, 10): # 0,10,20..100 value = i / 100.0 * scale_factor y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.grid_height - self.grid_height * value if y < self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top: break # stop the loop if guides would be placed outside the visualizer context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, y) context.line_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, y) context.stroke() #context.set_dash([1,0]) # reset dash def draw_plot(self, context, points, colors, offset=None): coords = [] for idx, amplitude in enumerate(points): if offset: amplitude += offset[idx] coords.append(( self.x + idx * self.step + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.inner_height - (self.inner_height * amplitude) )) if self.line: # draw lines context.set_source_rgba(*colors['plot_line'].tuple_rgba()) context.set_line_width(2) #context.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT) for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(coords): if idx == 0: context.move_to(x, y) else: context.line_to(x, y) context.stroke() if self.pattern: context.set_source_surface(self.pattern(colors['plot_fill'])) context.get_source().set_extend(cairo.Extend.REPEAT) context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.inner_height) for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(coords): context.line_to(x, y) if offset: # "cut out" the offset at the bottom previous_amplitude = None for i, amplitude in enumerate(reversed(offset)): if len(offset) - i > len(points): continue # ignore x coordinates not reached yet by the graph if (amplitude != previous_amplitude or i == len(offset) - 1): offset_x = self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width - i * self.step offset_y = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.inner_height - self.inner_height * amplitude context.line_to(offset_x, offset_y) else: context.line_to(x, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.inner_height) context.close_path() context.fill() if self.markers: # place points for (x, y) in coords: context.set_source_rgba(*colors['plot_marker'].tuple_rgba()) context.arc( x, y, 2, 0, 2 * math.pi ) context.fill() def update(self, context): for element in set(self.elements): # without set() the same element multiple times leads to multiple same points added every time. self.points[element].append(self.monitor.normalize(element)) super(Plot, self).update(context) def draw(self, context): self.draw_background(context) if self.grid: self.draw_grid(context) if self.autoscale: scale_factor = self.get_scale_factor() if scale_factor == 0.0: text = u"∞X" else: text = "%sX" % pretty_si(self.get_scale_factor()), text, self.x + self.margin_left +self.padding_left + self.inner_width, self.y, align='right_top', color=self.colors['caption_scale'], font_size=self.get_style('font_size', 'scale')) colors_plot_marker = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], len(self.elements)) colors_plot_line = self.palette(self.colors['plot_line'], len(self.elements)) colors_plot_fill = self.palette(self.colors['plot_fill'], len(self.elements)) offset = [0.0 for _ in range(0, self.num_points)] for idx, element in enumerate(self.elements): colors = { 'plot_marker': self.colors_plot_marker[idx], 'plot_line': self.colors_plot_line[idx], 'plot_fill': self.colors_plot_fill[idx] } if self.autoscale: points = self.get_points_scaled(element) else: points = list(self.points[element]) if self.combination == 'separate': self.draw_plot(context, points, colors) elif self.combination.startswith('cumulative'): if self.combination == 'cumulative_force': for idx in range(0, len(points)): points[idx] /= len(self.elements) self.draw_plot(context, points, colors, offset) for idx, value in enumerate(points): offset[idx] += value self.draw_captions(context)
[docs]class MirrorPlot(Plot): """ Mirrored variant of :class:`Plot`. """ def __init__(self, app, monitor, scale_lock=True, **kwargs): self.up = kwargs['elements'][0] self.down = kwargs['elements'][1] kwargs['elements'] = self.up + self.down super(MirrorPlot, self).__init__(app, monitor, **kwargs) self.y_center = self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + (self.inner_height / 2) self.scale_lock = scale_lock # bool, whether to use the same scale for up and down self.grid_height /= 2 palette_len = max((len(self.up), len(self.down))) self.colors_plot_marker = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], palette_len) self.colors_plot_line = self.palette(self.colors['plot_line'], palette_len) self.colors_plot_fill = self.palette(self.colors['plot_fill'], palette_len) def legend_info(self): data = collections.OrderedDict() colors = self.palette(self.colors['foreground'], max(len(self.up), len(self.down))) parts = [[] for _ in range(0, len(colors))] for elements in (self.up, self.down): for idx, element in enumerate(elements): parts[idx].append(element.split('.')) condensed = [] for items in parts: condensed.append(condense_addr_parts(items)) assert len(colors) == len(condensed) for idx, condensed_name in enumerate(condensed): data[condensed_name] = (colors[idx], condensed_name) return data def prepare_points(self): self.points = collections.OrderedDict() for element in self.elements: self.points[element] = collections.deque([], self.num_points) def get_scale_factor(self, elements=None): if self.scale_lock: scale_up = super(MirrorPlot, self).get_scale_factor(self.up) scale_down = super(MirrorPlot, self).get_scale_factor(self.down) if (scale_up > 0) and (scale_down > 0): # both values > 0 return min((scale_up, scale_down)) elif (scale_up == 0) != (scale_down == 0): # one value is 0 return max(scale_up, scale_down) else: # both values are 0 return 0 return super(MirrorPlot, self).get_scale_factor(elements) def draw_grid(self, context, elements=None): context.set_line_width(1) context.set_source_rgba(*self.colors['grid_milli'].tuple_rgba()) context.move_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left, self.y_center) context.line_to(self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, self.y_center) context.stroke() if elements == self.up: context.translate(0, self.grid_height) super(MirrorPlot, self).draw_grid(context, elements=elements) context.translate(0, -self.grid_height) else: super(MirrorPlot, self).draw_grid(context, elements=elements) def draw_plot(self, context, points, colors, offset=None): points = [x/2 for x in points] if not offset is None: offset =[x/2 for x in offset] context.translate(0, -self.inner_height / 2) super(MirrorPlot, self).draw_plot(context, points, colors, offset=offset) context.translate(0, self.inner_height / 2) def draw_plot_negative(self, context, points, colors, offset=None): points = [-x for x in points] if not offset is None: offset = [-x for x in offset] self.draw_plot(context, points, colors, offset=offset) def update(self, context): for element in set(self.up + self.down): self.points[element].append(self.monitor.normalize(element)) super(Plot, self).update(context) # TRAP: calls parent of parent, not direct parent! def draw(self, context): # TODO: This is mostly a copy-paste of Plot.update+draw, needs moar DRY. self.draw_background(context) for elements, drawer in ((self.up, self.draw_plot), (self.down, self.draw_plot_negative)): if self.grid: self.draw_grid(context, elements) if self.autoscale: scale_factor = self.get_scale_factor(elements) if scale_factor == 0.0: text = u"∞X" else: text = "%sX" % pretty_si(self.get_scale_factor(elements)) if elements == self.up:, text, self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top, align='right_bottom', color=self.colors['caption_scale'], font_size=10) elif not self.scale_lock: # don't show 'down' scalefactor if it's locked, text, self.x + self.margin_left + self.padding_left + self.inner_width, self.y + self.margin_top + self.padding_top + self.inner_height, align='right_top', color=self.colors['caption_scale'], font_size=10) offset = [0.0 for _ in range(0, self.num_points)] for idx, element in enumerate(elements): colors = { 'plot_marker': self.colors_plot_marker[idx], 'plot_line': self.colors_plot_line[idx], 'plot_fill': self.colors_plot_fill[idx] } if self.autoscale: points = self.get_points_scaled(element, elements) else: points = list(self.points[element]) if self.combination == 'separate': drawer(context, points, colors) elif self.combination.startswith('cumulative'): if self.combination == 'cumulative_force': for idx in range(0, len(points)): points[idx] /= len(elements) drawer(context, points, colors, offset) for idx, value in enumerate(points): offset[idx] += value self.draw_captions(context)
[docs]class Box(object): """ Can wrap multiple :class:`Visualizer`\s, used for layouting. Orders added visualizers from left to right and top to bottom. This is basically a smart helper for :func:`Gulik.add_visualizer`. """ def __init__(self, app, x, y, width, height): self._last_right = 0 self._last_top = 0 self._last_bottom = 0 self._next_row_x = 0 = app self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height
[docs] def place(self, component, cls, **kwargs): """ place a new :class:`Visualizer`. Parameters: component (str): The :ref:`component` string identifying the data source. cls (:class:`type`, child of :class:`Visualizer`): The visualizer class to instantiate. **kwargs: passed on to ``cls``\' constructor. width and height defined in here are honored. """ width = kwargs.get('width', None) height = kwargs.get('height', None) if width is None: width = self.width - self._last_right if height is None: height = self._last_bottom - self._last_top # same height as previous visualizer if height == 0: # should only happen on first visualizer height = self.height elif height is None: height = self.height - self._last_bottom if self._last_right + width > self.width: # move to next "row" #print("next row", component, cls, kwargs) x = self._next_row_x y = self._last_bottom self._next_row_x = 0 # this will probably break adding a third multi-stacked column, but works for now else: x = self._last_right y = self._last_top kwargs['x'] = self.x + x kwargs['y'] = self.y + y kwargs['width'] = width kwargs['height'] = height, cls, **kwargs) if y + height < self._last_bottom: self._next_row_x = self._last_right self._last_right = x + width self._last_top = y self._last_bottom = y + height assert self._last_bottom <= self.y + self.height, f"Box already full! Can't place {cls.__name__}"
[docs]class Gulik(object): """ The main object thingamabob. """ monitor_table = { 'cpu': CPUMonitor, 'memory': MemoryMonitor, 'network': NetworkMonitor, 'battery': BatteryMonitor, 'disk': DiskMonitor } def __init__(self, configpath): self.started = False self.will_to_live = True # only needed because of gtk self.screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() self.window = Window() self.window.connect('draw', self.draw) self.configpath = configpath self.config = {} self.setup = self.autosetup self.monitors = {} self.visualizers = [] #self.boxes = [] self.apply_config() def reset(self): # clear out any existing visualizers and monitors for monitor in self.monitors.values(): # kill any existing monitors monitor.seppuku = True self.monitors = {} self.visualizers = [] #self.boxes = [] def module_to_config(self, locals): config = {} for key in DEFAULTS: config[key] = locals.get(key, DEFAULTS[key]) for key in set(locals) - set(DEFAULTS): # iterates through everything defined in we haven't already covered with DEFAULTS if key == key.upper(): # all-caps means it's config config[key] = locals[key] if not 'COLOR_FOREGROUND_TEXT' in config: config['COLOR_FOREGROUND_TEXT'] = config['COLOR_CAPTION'] return config def add_netdata_monitors(self): # create monitors for all netdata hosts for host in self.config['NETDATA_HOSTS']: if isinstance(host, (list, tuple)): # handle (host, port) tuples and bare hostnames as values host, port = host else: port = 19999 component = f"netdata-{host}" self.monitors[component] = NetdataMonitor(self, component, host, port) def resize_and_move(self): self.window.resize(self.config['WIDTH'], self.config['HEIGHT']) self.window.move(self.config['X'], self.config['Y']) # move apparently must be called after show_all def apply_config(self): print(f"Trying to load config from {self.configpath}…") custom = False # whether gulik is using a custom configuration old_config = self.config old_setup = self.setup self.config = {} try: fd = open(self.configpath, mode='r') config_string = except OSError as e: print("No config at '%s' or insufficient permissions to read it. Falling back to defaults…" % self.configpath) config_locals = DEFAULTS else: try: config_locals = {} exec(config_string, config_locals) custom = True except Exception as e: print("Error in '%s': %s" % (self.configpath, e)) print("Falling back to defaults…") config_locals = DEFAULTS self.config = self.module_to_config(config_locals) self.resize_and_move() if 'setup' in config_locals: self.setup = functools.partial(config_locals['setup'], app=self) else: self.setup = self.autosetup self.reset() self.add_netdata_monitors() # NOTE: psutil-based monitors are autoloaded in add_visualizer and thus don't have to be handled here like netdata monitors # finally, run the actual setup function to place all visualizers try: self.setup() print("Done.") except Exception as e: # Hokay, so I *think* this catches all failure scenarios for config (re)loads… if not custom: print("Sorry, friend. The autosetup seems to be broken on your machine. You might want to file a bug report.") print("Alternatively, you can create a custom-fit configuration at ~/.config/gulik/") self.stop() return else: if isinstance(self.setup, functools.partial): name = self.setup.func.__name__ else: name = self.setup.__name__ print(f"Your custom 'setup' function failed - {type(e).__name__}: {e}") print("Falling back to previous configuration") self.monitors = {} self.visualizers = [] self.config = old_config or self.module_to_config(DEFAULTS) # DEFAULTS if config was empty before (happens on first time this function is called on a Gulik object self.setup = old_setup self.resize_and_move() self.add_netdata_monitors() try: self.setup() except Exception as e: print("Previous setup failed, too. Reverting to autosetup.") self.monitors = {} self.visualizers = [] self.config = self.module_to_config(DEFAULTS) self.setup = self.autosetup self.resize_and_move() self.add_netdata_monitors() try: self.setup() except Exception as e: raise print("Well, this should never happen.") print(e) self.stop() def signal_reload(self, *_): self.apply_config() # re-creates monitors and visualizers for monitor in self.monitors.values(): monitor.start() def tick(self): for monitor in self.monitors.values(): monitor.tick() self.window.queue_draw() return self.will_to_live # gtk stops executing timeout callbacks if they don't return True def draw_text(self, context, text, x, y, align=None, color=None, font_size=None, font_weight=None): if align is None: align = 'left_top' if color is None: color = self.config['COLOR_CAPTION'] context.set_source_rgba(*color.tuple_rgba()) font_size = font_size or self.config['FONT_SIZE'] font_weight = font_weight or self.config['FONT_WEIGHT'] font = Pango.FontDescription('%s %s %d' % (self.config['FONT'], font_weight, font_size)) layout = PangoCairo.create_layout(context) layout.set_font_description(font) layout.set_text(text, -1) size = layout.get_pixel_size() x_offset, y_offset = alignment_offset(align, size) context.translate(x + x_offset, y + y_offset) PangoCairo.update_layout(context, layout) PangoCairo.show_layout(context, layout) context.translate(-x - x_offset, -y - y_offset) return size def draw_gulik(self, context): # gulik is the messenger of our lady discordia. # he is 200 by 133 poxels big gulik = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(os.path.join(__path__[0], 'gulik.png')) context.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOFT_LIGHT) context.translate(self.config['WIDTH'] - 200, self.config['HEIGHT'] - 133) context.set_source_surface(gulik) context.rectangle(0, 0, 200, 133) context.fill() context.restore() def draw(self, window, context): context.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_CLEAR) context.paint() context.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) context.set_source_rgba(*self.config['COLOR_WINDOW_BACKGROUND'].tuple_rgba()) context.rectangle(0, 0, self.config['WIDTH'], self.config['HEIGHT']) context.fill() self.draw_gulik(context) for visualizer in self.visualizers: visualizer.update(context) def start(self): assert self.config['FPS'] != 0 assert isinstance(self.config['FPS'], float) or self.config['FPS'] >= 1 for monitor in self.monitors.values(): monitor.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.stop) # so ctrl+c actually kills gulik signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.stop) # so kill actually kills gulik, and doesn't leave a braindead Gtk.main and Collector processes dangling around signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.signal_reload) # reload config on user-defined signal. (no, not HUP) GLib.timeout_add(1000/self.config['FPS'], self.tick) self.tick() # first tick without delay so we get output asap self.started = True Gtk.main() # blocks until Gtk.main.quit is called print("\nThank you for flying with phryk evil mad sciences, LLC. Please come again.") def stop(self, num=None, frame=None): spinner = '▏▎▍▌▋▊▉▉▊▋▌▍▎' self.will_to_live = False # will stop calls by gtk main loop to self.tick for monitor in self.monitors.values(): monitor.seppuku = True i = 0 while monitor.is_alive(): # show spinner animation until the monitor is finished i += 1 spinner_idx = i % len(spinner) sys.stdout.write(f"\r{spinner[spinner_idx]} ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1/24) #sys.stdout.write("\rn") #sys.stdout.flush() if self.started: # Gtk.main.quit throws an error if called when not started Gtk.main_quit() else: exit() # to actually quit the program before Gtk.main is running def box(self, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None): width = ignore_none(width, self.config['WIDTH'] - x) height = ignore_none(height, self.config['HEIGHT'] - y) box = Box(self, x, y, width, height) #self.boxes.append(box) return box def add_visualizer(self, component, cls, **kwargs): if not component in self.monitors: if component in self.monitor_table: print("Autoloading %s!" % self.monitor_table[component].__name__) self.monitors[component] = self.monitor_table[component](self, component) elif component.startswith('netdata-'): raise LookupError(f"Unknown netdata host '{component[8:]}'") else: raise LookupError("No monitor class known for component '%s'. Custom monitor classes have to be added to Gulik.monitor_table to enable autoloading." % component) monitor = self.monitors[component] visualizer = cls(self, monitor, **kwargs) self.visualizers.append(visualizer) def autosetup(self, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None): box =, y, width, height) cpu_num = psutil.cpu_count() all_cores = ['core_%d' % x for x in range(0, cpu_num)] 'cpu', Arc, #elements=['aggregate'], elements=all_cores, width=box.width, height=box.width, stroke_width=10, combination='cumulative_force', legend=False, padding_bottom=5, captions=[ { 'text': 'CPU', 'position': 'left_top', 'align': 'left_top', 'font_weight': 'Bold', 'operator': Operator.HARD_LIGHT, }, { 'text': '{aggregate:.1f}%', 'position': 'center_center', 'align': 'center_center', }, { 'text': '{count} cores', 'position': 'right_bottom', 'align': 'right_bottom', } ] ) 'cpu', Plot, elements=all_cores, width=box.width, height=130, autoscale=True, combination='cumulative_force', ) 'memory', Arc, elements=['other', 'top_3', 'top_2', 'top_1'], width=box.width, height=box.width + 100, padding_bottom=80, # make space for 4 rows of legend stroke_width=30, combination='cumulative', #legend_format="{{{element}}}", legend_order='reverse', legend_format="{{{element}.name}} ({{{element}.size}})", captions=[ { 'text': 'memory', 'position': 'left_top', 'align': 'left_top', 'font_weight': 'Bold', 'operator': Operator.HARD_LIGHT, }, { 'text': '{percent:.1f}%', 'position': 'center_center', 'align': 'center_center' }, { 'text': '{total}', 'position': 'right_bottom', 'align': 'right_bottom', } ] ) last_visualizer = self.visualizers[-1] palette = [color for color in reversed(last_visualizer.palette(last_visualizer.colors['foreground'], 4))]'memory', Text, text='{} ({top_1.size})', width=box.width, height=25, foreground=palette[0])'memory', Text, text='{} ({top_2.size})', width=box.width, height=25, foreground=palette[1])'memory', Text, text='{} ({top_3.size})', width=box.width, height=25, foreground=palette[2])'memory', Text, text='other({other.size}/{other.count})', width=box.width, height=25, foreground=palette[3]) all_nics = [x for x in psutil.net_if_addrs().keys()] all_nics_up = ['%s.bytes_sent' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_down = ['%s.bytes_recv' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_up_packets_ = ['%s.packets_sent' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_down_packets = ['%s.packets_recv' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_up_errors = ['%s.errout' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_down_errors = ['%s.errin' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_up_drop = ['%s.dropout' % x for x in all_nics] all_nics_down_drop = ['%s.dropin' % x for x in all_nics] partitions = psutil.disk_partitions() all_partitions = [] for partition in partitions: name = partition.device.split('/')[-1].replace('.', '-') all_partitions.append(name) all_disks = list(psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)) all_disks_read = [f"io.{disk}.read_bytes" for disk in all_disks] all_disks_write = [f"io.{disk}.write_bytes" for disk in all_disks] disk_busy_size = 130 / len(all_disks) 'disk', MirrorPlot, width=box.width - disk_busy_size, height=130, elements=[all_disks_read, all_disks_write], caption_placement='padding', captions=[ { 'text': 'disk', 'position': 'left_top', 'align': 'left_top', 'font_weight': 'Bold', 'operator': Operator.HARD_LIGHT, } ] ) last_visualizer = self.visualizers[-1] colors = last_visualizer.palette(last_visualizer.colors['foreground'], len(all_disks)) for idx, disk in enumerate(all_disks): 'disk', Arc, width=disk_busy_size, height=disk_busy_size, foreground=colors[idx], legend=False, padding=0, stroke_width=10, elements=[f"io.{disk}.busy_time"] ) # # 'network', # MirrorArc, # width=box.width, # height=box.width, # padding_bottom=5, # legend=False, # elements=[all_nics_up, all_nics_down], # combination='cumulative_force', # captions=[ # { # 'text': 'network', # 'position': 'left_top', # 'align': 'left_top', # 'font_weight': 'Bold', # 'operator': Operator.HARD_LIGHT, # }, # { # 'text': '{aggregate.counters.bytes_sent}\n{aggregate.counters.bytes_recv}', # #'text': '{em0.all_addrs}', # 'position': 'center_center', # 'align': 'center_center', # } # ] # ) 'network', MirrorPlot, width=box.width, height=140, margin_top=15, #padding=15, padding_bottom=50, elements=[all_nics_up, all_nics_down], combination='cumulative_force', autoscale=True, caption_placement='padding', captions=[ { 'text': 'network', 'position': 'left_top', 'align': 'left_top', 'font_weight': 'Bold', 'operator': Operator.HARD_LIGHT, } ] ) #alignments = ['left_top', 'center_top','right_top'] #palette = self.visualizers[-1].colors_plot_marker #for idx, if_name in enumerate(all_nics): # # build a legend # color = palette[idx] # align = alignments[idx % 3] # boom. #'network', Text, text=if_name, foreground=color, width=box.width/3, height=25, align=align) if psutil.sensors_battery() is not None: color = self.config['COLOR_FOREGROUND'].clone() color.alpha = 1 'battery', Rect, width=box.width, height=90, margin_top=35, elements=['battery'], foreground=color, captions=[ { 'text': '{percent}%', 'position': 'left_center', 'align': 'left_center', 'color': color, 'operator': Operator.DIFFERENCE, # such candy, many wow }, { 'text': '{state}', 'position': 'right_center', 'align': 'right_center', 'color': color, 'operator': Operator.DIFFERENCE, }, ] )